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You've probably heard the stories about indie filmmakers who recycled soda cans to pay for film stock or used coupons to feed their crew sub sandwiches & cut muffins into fourths to make them stretch. Surely, the filmmakers were exaggerating. But no! Those and so many stories just like them are all true. Independent filmmakers are artisans of turning in kind, favors, ingenuity and a few bucks into an actual movie. Every single dollar counts! Especially since dollars are so scarce. How can you help? Here are a few ways you can help Influence of a Dollar get to the silver screen:


IFP is the nation's oldest and largest advocacy program for independent filmmaking. They offer labs, mentorship, screenings, exposure and events featuring seasoned guest speakers from the film industry. They are behind some of your favorite independent feature films.


"Influence of a Dollar" is a fiscally spon​sored project of IFP. To make a tax deductible contribution to the film through their program, click the logo.


Crowd funding is a grassroots method of piecing together funding to complete a project. The ever-growing trend has gained popularity due to its success in utilizing the Internet to allow filmmakers to expand their reach beyond the people they know personally. This is one way that enables movies to be made outside of the studio system. It also gives audiences more of a say in what they want to see on the big screen instead of relying on executives far away in cushy offices to decide for them. Launched in 2008, Indiegogo took crowd funding one step further by globalizing their platform and accepting international currency. Thereby connecting people all over the world who may relate to a film or the filmmakers and letting them get involved. 


Maybe you have an affinity for sound systems. Maybe you have always been fascinated by cameras and the images they capture. Maybe its the lights that really do it for you when you are watching a movie. You have probably wondered what exactly each of those smaller names creeping up the screen in the end credits were responsible for on set - and how much they are worth. Not the big lettered names that come in the beginning of the movie, but the crew members who don't get any real recognition but were an integral part of making it happen. Now you have the opportunity to sponsor a crew member of your choice for a day, a week, or even the entire shoot. Then, your crew member will get a CREW t-shirt that says "Sponsored by YOUR NAME" OR "Thanks for being my sponsor, YOUR NAME" And one day, you just may see your crew member on our behind-the-scenes stills page.


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